onsdag den 24. februar 2010

kaospilot inspires raketfabrikken in april

Gro Mygind afslutter kaospilotuddannelsen til sommer og er i gang med sit store afsluttende projekt. Gro har fokus på personlig udvikling og high performans-team.
Gro Mygind inspirerer og arbejder på raketfabrikken med teamudvikling og personlig udvikling i april.
Forløbet kommer til at skabe et endnu bedre team, som gør raketfabrikken klar til de store projekter med poprevo
og Jelling Festivalen

refleksions of kaospilot work

thanx for cool week dear kaospilots. looking forward to see you again.


check the links.. this is refleksion very much of the proces

Feel the Beat- Leadership and Teambuilding

See the video from the week with the inspiring kaospilots here.

mandag den 22. februar 2010

Monday Visions

Today the students was their own leaders and planned their day and work by themselves. It ended with a good and long braindstorm and many fantastic ideas. At Wednesday they will show the ideas and tell a little about how they work and the proces and tools...

søndag den 21. februar 2010

vision monday!

hello guys!

you are all leaders and today you will make the game yourselfes. so meet and discuss how to work today.

Important: I only want Line to be a part of the group today (not the leader)

My vision for today is!

A lot of ideas of how to help Haiti! I see a lot of projects!

looking forward to see your work wednesday.

best wishes

staring up BIG project: help haiti!

we are doing a differens....

checking cooperation-partners: røde kors, red barnet, amnesty and more....

Seeing the vision! need clear vision to start up!

torsdag den 11. februar 2010

working with kaospilots

Cooooollllllll team. creativ thinking, learning, fun, develop, produce...

mandag den 8. februar 2010

check the new program for the next period....

exciting exciting...... poprevo, jelling festival, creativity, fun, design, energy, personal devolopment, and and and..... hahaha looking forward